Our Social Responsibility
It's incumbent on us, like all enterprises, to give back to the society that enables our growth and success.
Through efforts to create diversified positive social impact we aspire to align our corporate growth goals alongside doing our part outside the walls of Verdi.
At Verdi Commerce, we pursue the ideals of truly connected capitalism, a belief that it is our responsibility to create value not just for our shareholders, but for all stakeholders. We aim to deliver on that responsibility across 4 areas:

Our World
Verdi Commerce partners with leading Technology, Houseware & Appliance brands to reduce the number of products in landfills. In 2021 alone, we helped our partners repurpose over 500,000 units, all of which are now finding a second life with happy customers.
Our People
Without our team members, we are nothing. We are committed to supporting them, their families and the communities in which they live. Verdi is introducing a new series of team member led spotlights to bring awareness to a variety of topics such as unconscious bias and inclusive leadership.
Our Partners
Verdi leads with transparency, both in the way we do business and in sharing how our values translate into a better outcome for all. By integrating our efforts with our partners, we will create a force multiplier effect that will echo up and downstream in our industry.
Our Customers
By empowering our customers with a clearer understanding of recycled goods, we hope to create a more positive customer experience and in doing so, scale the possibility of consumer sustainable purchasing.
Your source for Tech Gear, Electronics, Kitchen + Home Goods that helps your wallet and the environment.
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The Sustainability Dilemma
Our favorite brands are fantastic at selling us new and innovative products--perhaps an expansion to our repertoire of kitchen appliances or a replacement for a well-loved but no longer functioning GPS watch--but most are not prepared to deal with what happens when these products are returned because we changed our mind, they didn’t perform as expected, they didn’t fit, or so on. Nonetheless, returns are a fact of life--Over $1 trillion dollars of retail products are returned by consumers each year and most of these are sent to landfills simply because brands didn’t prepare for this side of the sales relationship. This seems crazy…and this is the sustainability dilemma we are tackling.
We all want innovative products, we want brands to take meaningful sustainability action and we want them to make it easier for us to be more sustainable ourselves; yet here we are with millions of tons of products--and the natural resources they are made of--being locked away in landfills simply because brands developed with a linear model of economic activity rather than a circular model.
But times are changing and we want to help drive that change.